Who's finally an officially recognized chapter of AIAS? WE ARE! After having elected officers, a minimum of 10 paid members, and tons of paper work, President Lawrence Lippard received a phone call on November 3, 2009 from the AIAS office saying we can now carry on as an official chapter. Moving on with 21 paid members, our next step is to become a certified club at App State, which will allow us to have an initial budget. The officers have already met, hashed out a constitution, and sent it in to be reviewed. We have also decided on an official meeting time (more info at the bottom) based on a "best time for you" poll sent out to all the members. We've been brainstorming meeting ideas as well, such as potential guests, promotional activities, and architect of the week studies.
  • Officers Kevin, John, Tyler, Anna, Emily, Miles, and Lawrence working diligently to agree on a constitution that best suits our organization

  • We would love for anyone interested to come out to a meeting, and new members are always welcome, it's not too late! Meetings are held every Thursday at 6 pm in room 167 of Katherine Harper Hall. For more information on membership please see Lawrence Lippard or Tyler Stein!

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